What made you decide to take this course?

I chose to take this course as I heard excellent reviews from my roommate who took an EDCI course last semester. I am really interested in learning online, and I am hoping to learn how to educate and interact with others in many different media formats.

Provide an example of ___________ and explain why your examples belong in each category. Are there any grey areas where the categories are not clear?

1. Interactive media: This term is defined as an electronic system that permits the user to manipulate various media types, including video, computer graphics, animations, text, and sound (Encyclopædia Britannica, 2023). An example of interactive media are social networking websites including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. These platforms allow the user to create inputs (such as sharing a photo or video) which affects the output of the platform. Below I have attached an example of interactive media which is video games because it is media where the inputs by the user affect the output of the media.

Retrieved from: Coding Blackness: A History of Black Video Game Characters | WIRED

2. Multimedia: Defined as sharing information through various types of communication formats (Vocabulary.com, n.d.). Some examples include photographs, audio clips, radio, and film. Attached below is Youtube video of a popular song, which is one way of relaying information in the form of an audio clip.

Retrieved from Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video) – YouTube

3. Interactive multimedia: Defined as a technology which needs specific inputs from the user resulting in the delivery of various types of information in the form of images, graphics, and videos (Farrer, 2023). Below portrays an individual using Virtual Reality (VR), which is an example of interactive multimedia because it is in the form of two or more media where the user has the ability to perform certain inputs using the game controller, which influences the output.

Retrieved from: What is VR? The devices and apps that turn the real world virtual (nbcnews.com)

Which of these examples do you find the most interesting and engaging?

Interactive multimedia!


Encyclopædia Britannica. (2023, January 11). Interactive Media. https://www.britannica.com/technology/interactive-media

Farrer, A. (2023, January 13). What is interactive multimedia? Easy Tech Junkie. https://www.easytechjunkie.com/what-is-interactive-multimedia.htm

Vocabulary.com. (n.d.). Multimedia. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/multimedia